
Back at it...

After a MUCH needed break, students will be returning to school tomorrow. With that brings us back to our regular schdule: get up at 5:30, go to work/school, dance on Mondays, meetings on various days, back home, (now) work out, (more of) cook dinner, bath time, (more of) devotion/bible reading, nighty night time... Now, if I can only hold to my resolutions, I will be going well:) We will have another day off the 16th & then Winter Break in February...woohoo!!

Although it is tough getting back into the swing of things, I am excited about seeing my school children. They seem to grow so much over each break we have. Many times, 'light bulbs' begin to come on, and they really begin showing growth. We have so much more to learn in the next 80 days: addition/subtraction (really get in depth), money (fair trades, etc.), measurement, continue to develop basic skills and build better math reasoning skills, continue blending sounds to read words, blends, digraphs, etc... Writing all the genres: response to literature, narrative, informational, and persuasive... LOTS to do!!!! I am just grateful that I finally have my EdS degree behind me!!!! YAY!

NEW - I am going to try to begin a weekly post of my favorite finds on pinterest each week... we will see if I can keep up. My teacher related finds, I will post on Two Fulbright Hugs.

Here are this week's pinterest favorites:

Source: bhg.com via Kimberlee on Pinterest

Possible curtains for Chloe's new room makeover!

Love this hair style...!!!

One of my many favorite "think-abouts" :)

Oops..didn't find this one this week, but wanted to post, as I am making it tonight...wish me luck!! HAHA!

Such a CUTE applique:)


One of my GREATEST finds of the week - FONTS!! Cute fonts, at that:)

Check back each weekend for my greatest finds for that week!!! :)


Classroom Organization PROJECT!!!

Stumbled upon this today as I was looking over some blogs:
I am SUPER excited about the challenge, but am hoping I can keep up!! I am always searching for the best ideas and best ways to do things, but putting them into action is the next step. I plan on posting this to my Teacher Timesavers (http://teachertakers.blogspot.com/) blog also! Alright all you teachers out there... let's get organized!!!