
Braves Game & things to come...

Still taking summer a day at a time! Enjoyed the Braves game (was an early Father's Day gift). His other gift is this photo: (got the idea from pinterest)

SO sweet <3 !!

On the way to the Braves game Tuesday, we planned to stop at the Bass Pro Shop (which is always fun)! Chloe tried out every boat & even modeled (as if to try & sell one...lol):

She completed a craft, a scaverngerhunt (where she earned 2 badges/pins), shot at a few ducks..lol, & climbed the rock wall!

After some fun time at Bass Pro, we headed to the game. Of course, we had to play around a bit before settling in our seats:

We had a great time "horraying" for our team (as Chloe likes to say)! Although the Braves did not pull through with a victory, there is one thing that we are SURE of:

What a great ending to a great day - this made my heart smile - what a wonderful daddy/Chloe moment I captured here just before leaving *sigh*:

Let the next adventure begin....

Savannah/Tybee Island trip!!!

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