
Lookie what I made...

Would you like to spice up your door more?

If so, consider purchasing a Door Display. I can design a wide-range of door displays for you {local customers only}. These Door Hangings are ideal for displaying on covered porch front/back doors, classroom doors, covered business doors, interior house doors, etc.

Each is hand-painted to your liking {color-match best as possible}, making your decor unique! Each door display comes with a matching ribbon and hanging attachment (see picture). Each is stuffed, to ensure quick dry, in case of outdoor moisture. To ensure your Door Decor lasts longer, keep out of direct sunlight and direct exposure to rain {covered porches/areas are the best}.

What are the sizes and prices?

Measurements vary slightly. Items may vary from 24in. wide x 24in. long ~ all depends on the design. The prices vary, beating the prices you will find online (anywhere from $30-$50 PLUS shipping). I am willing to sell local ONLY to keep your cost down!

How long does it take to receive my item?

Depending on the style and availability of supplies, it can usually take about 1 to 1 1/2 weeks. If longer, I will let you know.

How do I receive my item?

I can usually meet in town at a local business.

How do I pay?

Pay by cash at pick up or Paypal upon ordering.  

What types of designs are available?
  • Football (with team)
  • Seasonal Items: pumpkin, fall leaves, snowman, Christmas tree, carrot, Easter bunny, etc.
  • Paw (with team)
  • Apple, Pencil, School Bus, etc.
  • Owl, Turkey, Bee, etc.
  • Peace Sign, Heart, etc.
  • etc. (just ask... I may be able to make it)
What kind of wording can I have?

Nothing too long (choose from fonts below), words like:
  • Welcome
  • Mrs. Fulbright's Class
  • We're Open
  • Your Last Name Initial
  • "The (last name)" - example: "The Fulbrights"
  • GO Lions!
  • Chloe's Room
  • etc.
What type of lettering {font} is available?

See chart & choose name of font (sizes will be based upon the type of design you choose above):

Below is only my first design, which is a Football Design. You can choose your team, colors, and some logos (that can be hand-drawn: just ask if you aren't sure).

**Click on images for larger view**

Different Designs:

Note: Items may not look just like these items. All are uniquely hand-painted.


PAW $25 with words $30

OWL $35

PEACE SIGN $25 with words $30

HEART $25 with words $30

 FISH $30 with words $35

APPLE $30 with words $35

PENCIL $30 with words $35


PUMPKIN $30 with words $35

$25 with words $30

BEACH BALL $25 with words $30


CARROT $30 with words $35

FLOWER with initial $35


TURKEY $30 with words $35

WATERMELON $30 with words $35

FALL LEAF $30 with words $35

STAR $25 with words $30

Don't see what you need? ASK! :)

Are you interested in ordering??

Contact me through FB or email: gamommy2chloeATgmail.com - change AT to @

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