
Happy Halloween & 50th Day of School

Yesterday was Halloween & it seemed as if we would never get home that evening! The kiddos were very good considering that is usually one of the wildest days (other than Valentine's Day...lol). Chloe had a great time & I was so grateful to spend that whole day with her. At school, she dressed as a Sleepy Head, like me. Then, on the 50th day of school, she and I dressed in our 50s outfits! She enjoyed dancing to the 50s music during CAMP time, too! In addition, we had coke floats, which hit the spot after a long day... Here are a few snap shots of my little sleepy head and 50s girl!

1 comment:

Granny Noles said...

Really like the way the skirts turned out! I also liked the "sleepy heads" idea!