
Love is in the Air...

Well, yesterday was Valentine's day & it was wonderful:) I was with all 17 of my little ones by myself yesterday, but it went better than I expected & we survived, as V Day the children are usually more wired than any other holiday (weird, huh?). Anyway, we gave Chloe her Valentine items that morning before school. I picked out a baby Lalaloopsy doll (that she had said she wanted when they came out). Daddy got her a silver necklace with a purple and pink butterfly charm. Daddy took his girls on a 'date' later that evening... it was very relaxing:)
Chloe with her Lalaloopsy.

Tried to get a little closer to see her necklace.

Daddy & Chloe @ the class Valentine celebration.

Today, was a typical day. I am so thankful that it warmed up a good bit today. Shannon piddled in the yard and on the back porch, while Chloe played on her playground & around the yard. I sat on the back porch writing in my 'Chloe' journal & reading my Bible. It was peaceful, except when Chloe was pretending to be Rapunzel and screaming about letting down her hair & when Shannon clanked things together doing 'this & that.'...LOL! We did mention to have a brief disagreement when I began telling him of my plans to add curtains to the back porch...haha! I believe I won that one... ;) There WILL be curtains out there soon!!!! What kind of evening would it be if we didn't at least fuss once? Not a typical one, that is for sure! Moments like that (I think) bring us closer together:)

I just got Chloe out of the bath & had her read her AR book to me - she is reading very well right now... She is almost on a 1st grade level! She read several minutes over the past month, so she was able to earn a Six Flags ticket - so proud of her! Hope this sets her up for a lifelong love of reading (as I never had). Currently, she is singing her little heart out (usually an every day occurance)... but I love the sweet sounds!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet pics! Glad ya'll had a good Vday :-)
Zachery earned one of those Six Flags tickets last year too. Lindsey has been earning both Pizza Hut free personal pizza tickets and Papa John's personal pizza tickets with her reading. She is doing well too. Not sure how to determine the levels of reading though. Hope you guys have a good rest of the week!